Applicant Registration

Password should contain minimum 6 characters at least 1 Alphabet and 1 Number with Optional Special Chars / Symbols


By clicking the register button, you understood the differences between Brunei I.C. Holder Applicant, Brunei Government In-Service Scheme (LDP) Applicant and International Applicant (Applicant without Brunei I.C).

The information provided by you will be held by the Politeknik Brunei in accordance with the Institute’s Data Protection Policy and may be used for the Institute’s marketing purposes.

You will only receive email updates and promotional content about coming to study at Politeknik Brunei if you opt-in below:

* required

Type of Applicant Dropdown

  • Brunei I.C. Holder Applicant (Yellow / Red / Purple / Green I.C. Holder)
  • Brunei Government In-Service Scheme (LDP) Applicant
  • International Applicant (Applicant without Brunei I.C)

Please ensure that the type of applicant you choose is correct.

  • Applicant with valid Brunei I.C. are those holding Yellow/Purple/Red/Green I.C. For this type of applicant, applicant MUST complete their HECAS application. Failure to complete HECAS application will risk the whole application as unacceptable.
  • Applicant applying for Brunei Government In-Service Scheme (LDP) are not required to complete HECAS Application.
  • International Student applicant and applicant without valid Brunei I.C. are not required to complete HECAS Application.